Page 77 - Expressions - 23
P. 77


                                               Yumnam Anamika Devi

                                                      2022-26 cse

                                The world has slept to the glory of night,

                                     A blessed night with deep silence.

                                    The white light of the street lamps,

                                         And the glowing moonlight
                                          Making the night silvery…

                                         …Lying on the street bench,

                          Putting his head down on the torn dusty bag, and
                               Talking to himself in silence with a smile,

                                     “This street bench is my home…”

                           Yes, that brown bench on the street is his home,

                                         That he owns only at night.

                                             The sky roofed house,
                             The house roofed with stars and the moon…

                           …Looking at the buildings and the constructions

                                             With a hopeful smile
                                                He uttered softly,


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