Page 30 - Expressions - 23
P. 30

The Glorious Purpose

                                                        And why

      Have you ever, wondered, “why did I do this?” after
      doing something? And felt like the action of yours

      had no purpose and there was no meaning in doing

      that  but  still  you  did  it  and  pondering  with  the
      question  of  why!  why?  why!?  and  which  leads  to

      questioning of your very purpose of existence? It's a

      question  that  has  perplexed  humanity  for  ages.

      Some believe that there is a grand plan or meaning                                  Rajpradeep
      to everything that happens, while others think that                                2019-23 Mech

      it's  all  just  chaos  and  chance.  However,  there's  a  growing  belief  that  the

      purpose of existence is simply for the experience. Everything that happens in
      our lives, whether good or bad, has a purpose in shaping our experiences and

      helping us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

      Think about it - every experience you've had, every person you've met, every

      challenge  you've  faced  has  contributed  to  who  you  are  today.  Even  the
      difficult times and painful experiences can provide valuable lessons that help
                                                us  grow  and  evolve.  When  we  approach  life

                                                with an open mind and a willingness to learn,

                                                we can see that everything that happens has a

                                                For  example,  let's  say  you're  going  through  a

                                                difficult  breakup.  It's  painful,  it's  emotional,

                                                and it's challenging. But if you take a step back

                                                and look at the situation objectively, you may
                                                see  that  there  are  valuable  lessons  to  be

                                                learned. Perhaps you can learn to be more
      resilient, more compassionate, or more independent. You may even come out

      of the experience with a deeper appreciation for the people and relationships

      that matter most to you.

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