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starting  from  childhood  when  parents  compare  their  child’s  grades  and

      abilities  with  their  peers.  Inadequacy  and  self-doubt  may  result  from  this,

      which  might  prevent  one  from  loving  oneself.  For  instance,  the  placement

      process  I  went  through  was  challenging,  and  despite  receiving  offers  from
      reputed  companies,  I  found  myself  dissatisfied  due  to  societal  and  peer

      pressure. I blamed myself for being lazy in the

      past, but I eventually realized that things will

      unfold in their own time, and the job I accepted
      chose me because they appreciated my personality.

      Instead of dwelling on my perceived shortcomings,

      I chose to embrace this newopportunity with gratitude
      and acceptance.

      To foster self-love, it's essential to recognize that your
      unique qualities and experiences make you who you are.

      Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your

      own goals, values, and strengths. Celebrate your

      accomplishments and embrace your imperfections, as
      they are part of what makes you unique. Remember,

      the only person you should be comparing yourself to is

      the person you were yesterday.

      Prioritizing yourself first is not selfish. Rather, it indicates that you are taking

      better care of yourself in a way that allows you to do more for others. It's easy

      to  become  concerned  with  what  other  people  think  of  you  or  what  society
      deems  significant.  But  if  we  focus  on  ourselves  and  our  happiness,  we  will

      realize that there are things in this world that are more important than what

      other people think of us. Self-love entails treating oneself with kindness and
      compassion.  This  involves  accepting  both  your  successes  as  well  as  your


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