Page 44 - Expressions - 23
P. 44


      Thoughts  either  eat  you  up  or  form  a  parasite  till
      you  reach  a  point  where  you  can't  resist  them  so

      here are mine, latching on to me forever.

      So  on  multiple  occasions  we  question  ourselves,
      here is one of mine, "What would you do if you died

      and reached the after life?"

      “if God asks, would you like to continue living but

      with no memories or would you pass on and hold                                      N Anirudh
      on to those memories “                                                              2020-24 mt

      We all live in a world where people without hesitation choose the first option
      because  their  survival  instinct  tells  them  no  one  values  their  memories

      enough to trade them for their life, they rather start living as a twenty-year-

      old man without knowing anything of the past than to value their twenty-
      year life worth of memories , their values they were holding onto ,why is that

      they  run  for  endless  pursuit  of  nothingness  and  what  is  the  prize  ,they

      become                                         void , even then  they choose to relive again

                                                     with  no  past  memories  ,they  try  to  make
                                                     new memories and new life ,they eventually

                                                     will dream ,run, chase but at what cost they

                                                     loose  their  memories,  they  in  fact  trading

                                                     their memories for their void dream chasing
                                                     but they never learn what has costed them

                                                     to  become  such  empty  ,  why  do  people

                                                     become  empty  ,  they  start  erasing  the
                                                     memories , they try to become emotionless

                                                     they  keep  fooling  themselves  that  if  they

                                                     become  void  they  can  chase  their  dreams
                                                     much easier but isn't those memories they

                                                     are easily casting away are the ones that

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