Page 39 - Expressions - 23
P. 39

But come to find the beauty of unsaid things, it's mesmerizing. A wholesome

      smile from a person in the crowd gives the confidence of survival among the
      strange. That moment of you holding back tears, identified by someone, while

      you are reluctant to have that petty eye-contact with them, but ultimately you

      do and you don't regret it because now you know that someone has your back,

      is nothing but love, and that too way above all its literal definitions. 'Speaking
      with eyes', is the supreme topic for poets and romantics all over the world for

      ages, but doesn't it deserve to be? Still, no literary piece is even close to what

      that moment made you feel.

                                    A habit I did develop in my childhood days

                 I wouldn’t wake up at all. Alarms, noise, disturbances were all useless ways

                                I could only wake up to the most silent of methods
              When my mom would kiss me tenderly on my eyelids with no exchange of words

                                Only then, would I know that the day awaits me;

                                               And my mom loves me.

      Silence, the most versatile of the words that the world has ever seen, is only

      versatile when expressed and not used in literary context. Silence in itself is a

      very co-dependent concept with the situation. Every time one feels silence, its

      motive will come out to be different, which is so not its dictionary meaning.
      The humbleness, the love, the emotions, the grudge, the anger, the distress and

      so  many  other  incomparable  expressions  can  be  expressed  and  understood

      way more precisely than words can ever do. So, are unsaid things this intensely

      powerful?  Even  more  than  the  most  dynamic  thing  that  has  ever  existed,
      language? A question to be answered probably without words.

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