Page 24 - Expressions - 23
P. 24

Group Projects - Perspectives

      Put  yourself  in  my  shoes.  The  idea  of  engaging  in

      conversation instills a sense of dread in the minds
      of  the  unversed  in  social  communication.  It’s  not

      that I’m incapable of making conversation, and to

      my chagrin, people always rush to that assumption.
      It’s that sometimes, I genuinely don’t want to. It is

      baffling  that  people  tend  to  see  the  best  in  those

      before them, which I feel is unwarranted at times.                                     Heena

      When one abhors the idea of company as much as I                                    2019-23 ece

      do, one would understand the horror that would   ensue when the teacher says,
      “So, form a group of four and…” And? Just pitch black, staring into the abyss,

      immediately  plagued  by  a  myriad  of  thoughts.  The  dynamics  of  a  group  are

      with various convolutions and the working ethics of each member vary greatly.
      There is the one who ends up doing all the work, carrying the team over the

      finish line. I don’t want the be the one…Not again. After a lot of complicated

      calculations, I team up with three people with whom I feel confident. That is
      until  the  work  begins.    As  time  goes  by,  doubt  creeps  in.  It’s  like  the  self-

      awareness when you scroll though social media and stay on scrolling for nearly

      two - three hours. A few important lessons to keep in mind while engaging in a
      group project is, to ensure proper communication within the team. To each

      their role is an essential concept without which there is a chance for absolute

      pandemonium  to  reign.  The  main  goal  for  every  member  is  to  ensure  the

      success of the project without too many disruptions. The other aspect is to
      give credit where credit is due and hold people to what they commit.

      The other aspect is to accept people’s limitations and help them along

      to complete their part, not do their part for them. The individualities

      of each member combine to form a new perspective. I implore every
      student who is in the dilemma of completing your

      project, let those perspectives shine.

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