Page 36 - Expressions - 23
P. 36

“Being yourself is always the best” - While this may seem quite ordinary, this

      remains the most important statement of them all.
      This is also the hardest thing to achieve in this list of priorities to consider.

      Everyone  remains  different  and  unique  in  terms  of  talent,  background,

      knowledge and ambition. Studies show, that believing you really are secretly

      the best, helps one achieve goals in higher rates.
      What makes an individual happy is a question so complicated, that it can be

      placed  close  to  the  question  "what  is  the  purpose  of  life?"  in  terms  of

      So, choose your pleasures wisely, and focus on long term commitments and

      habits,  that  make  you  happy.  It  is  the  pursuit  of  happiness  that  makes  life
      interesting and not the finish line.

      “Friends and family are always the most valued possessions” - This one goes

      without saying. Nobody that I have heard of, has ever said in their deathbed, " I
      would like to study one more chapter from the system design manual." It is

      most probably going to be "I wish my friends were here", or "I hope my family
      stays happy."
      Anything you may require in life, family and friends that you hold close to your
      heart, will be able to provide you with it.

      And  to  conclude,  these  are  a  few  things  one  can  possibly  realise  from  the

      experiences,  one  might  have.  Also,  some  readers  might  find  a  few  of  these
      statements, to be quite contrasting from their viewpoints, which is acceptable
      and are also right in their own way, as, if people were to think exactly alike,

      just the same as everyone else, then all the problems we currently have, would

      So,  what  have  we  learned  from  reading  through  this  article?  Absolutely
      nothing, these are just a few key points to remember when you happen to go
      through any of these situations, but the "learning" can be done, from within

      Wishing you luck and hope you have an exciting journey of learning ahead.

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