Page 38 - Expressions - 23
P. 38

All The Unsaid Things

      We humans, the so called "ultimate protectors" of
      the  planet,  are  assumed  so,  only  because  of  a

      simple  advantage  over  all  the  other  species;

      Language.  To  speak,  to  listen,  to  write,  to
      understand,  to  analyze.  But  still,  there  are  times

      when  we  choose  the  other  way  around  to  express

      ourselves.  These  alternatives  at  times  make  more

      sense  than  language.  Like  the  utmost  essence  of                           Harshal kariya
      these unsaid alternatives is unsaid, an endless loop,                               2020-24  cse

      maybe because of the unrealistic nature of the matter at hand. We seem to

      communicate  all  of  the  generic,  average  things  with  words,  but  when

      circumstances  are  extreme,  we  subconsciously  take  the  unsaid  route.  The
      absolute  irony  of  these  two  very  famous  lines  is  wondrous  to  witness  -  "

      Actions speak louder than words" and "Think and speak. Once you utter

                               something,  it  can't  be  taken  back",  shows  the  gravity  of

                               how  uncertain  language  and  thoughts  can  be  when
                               merged  with  all  the  non-verbal  gestures.  Dangerously

                               uncertain indeed.

                                                    I woke up to a dream the other day

                                                     I thought I won’t forget it, no way

                                                    The first person I saw that morning

                                     I was just about to tell all of it, but I lost it even before starting
                                          I completely forgot what had happened in the dream

                               All I remembered was what I had felt throughout with the first strike of

                                                                  sun beam.

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