Page 51 - Expressions - 23
P. 51

In my attempts to connect with people, I've become a "social chameleon" of
       sorts, adapting my interests and opinions to suit those of my companions,

       much like a social butterfly.As a result, I've become a jack of all trades when

       it  comes  to  friendships  -  capable  of  holding  a  conversation  on  nearly  any

       topic, but a master of none.
       As I reflect on these experiences, I am reminded of the saying "less is more."

       While  my  desire  to  connect  with  everyone  around  me  is  with  good

       intentions, I must remind myself that quality is often more important than
       quantity. In my efforts to befriend everyone, I risk diluting the meaningful

       connections I've made along the way. It is a constant balancing act, but one

       that I am determined to master as I continue to navigate the ever-changing
       sea of relationships in my life.

       Despite  this,  the  final  form  that  I  have  taken  is  not  without  its  share  of

       missteps and errors. One incident that comes to mind occurred during the

       11th  standard  when  my  closest  friend  and  I  switched  academic  streams.  It
       was almost an automatic response for me to cut off all ties after 2-3 years,

       and  so  I  decided  to  ghost  him.  At  the  time,  I  didn't  even  feel  remorseful

       about  it.  It  wasn't  until  later,  after  finishing  my  12th  standard,  that  I  was

       about  to  repeat  this  pattern  of  breaking  off  connections,  but  the  best
       friendship  I  had  was  during  that  time.  Furthermore,  social  media  has

       connected everyone, making it harder to let go of friendships. This was when

       I realized that my life's patterns had conditioned me to feel uncomfortable
       when I didn't sever ties after 3-4 years.

       It's easy to wonder what might have been, to imagine how different my life

       might have turned out had I experienced different things or lived in different

       places.  But  in  the  end,  it's  the  unique  collection  of  experiences  that  have
       shaped me into the person I am today, for better or for worse. So I embrace

       the memories of all those schools and all those faces, for they have helped

       me become who I am, the person who never quite fits in, but who is always

       ready for the next adventure.

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