Page 56 - Expressions - 23
P. 56

I believe every bullet carries the name of its target. And, yes, I haven’t found

      the one for me yet. I’ve dodged some, got hit by some, but I know when my

      bullet comes for me.
      We, humans, live and age within a blink of an eye, yet we’ve got our long

      ever-growing  set  of  problems  overshadowing  the  sheer  beauty  of  the

      universe. With aspirations to become great, we run in this battlefield, getting

      hardened as the clock ticks. Why couldn’t it just be a green playfield with
      bright sunshine, colourful butterflies. “It’s just our perspective. We see the

      things  the  way  we  want  to”.  Our  mind  is  a  cute  little  jester,  isn’t  it?    The

      uncertainty  of  life  indeed  spices  the  things  up.  Everything  happens  on  the

      spur of the moment.
      For the first time  in  life,                                                I really want to give it

      all up. A life  filled   with                                                    betrayals,  hatred, and

      violence.“I could feel the                                              darkness surrounding
      me, engulfing me, down                                         the spiral of madness.

      Maybe, I’m living in the                                                       darkness.   Or   am   I

      Darkness      itself?”,                                                             I wondered.

      Each time a thought of                                                     turning back passes by,
      I get dragged back into this,                                        messier than before, with

      no  turning  back.  Guess,  we’ve  got  to  live  with  the  choices  we  make.  The

      Present is nothing but a series of consequences of the past.

      I’m  here,  leaning  back  on  my  chair,  with  the  fleeting  moments  of  my  life
      flashing before my eyes. With a troubled soul, aging body, nearing foes, I felt

      it strongly than ever before. “It’s time to call quits.”

      Suddenly, I heard a gunshot and a few people screaming. “I guess this one’s
      for me”. I grasped the pistol in my holster.

      As I turned back, he stood a few feet away, pointing his gun at my head.

      “Ghosts of my past”, I chuckled.

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