Page 53 - Expressions - 23
P. 53

I  am  promising  you  to  provide  water  with  water  tankers  as  per  your
       requirement. Believe me, now leave the place and get back to your homes, all

       of you!”

       The conversation continues nearly for an hour! As it is not an easy task to

       persuade hundreds of people with mere promises. At last, she came to   grips
                                              with   people’s   problem   by taking forward the issue.

                                               Then  she  makes  few steps to return back to her car.

                                              But being preoccupied with the thoughts of the young
                                             girl stopped her  from going  further. She stopped  and

                                          looked  for  the   girl   hither  and thither.  The girl stood

                                       beside her mother, with wide opened eyes which are filled
                                      with dreams and aspirations.

                                      The  girl  continued  staring  at  the   women   officer   with


                                     This  tempts  the  officer  to  ask  the  girl’s  name.  The girl
                                   replied “Vasanthi” .The officer smiled and conveyed her best

                                 wishes to the girl.

                            Now she went back into the car. The car started moving forward,

                          but her thoughts travelled backwards of 15 years. Then she was 15
                  year old ambitious girl of a prestigious farmer.

       WHY PRESTIGIOUS? – Prestigious because he belongs to the farming clan

       which knows the power of mantra ‘HARD WORK’.

       This  15  year  old  girl  have  several  great  dreams  of  serving  the  country  ,
       sometimes  dreaming  of  ruling  the  country  ,  some  of  them  can  be  merely

       daydreams…But EXCEPT ONE! Her dream of becoming an IAS OFFICER.

       Suddenly distracted by the driver who asks,” Mam should I drive now to your
       office or home? “She gets back to the real world and replies “go to home.”

       After replying she started recalling the difficulties, she was supposed to face

       in order to fulfil her dream.

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