Page 69 - Expressions - 23
P. 69

When people valued their passion as a mere fashion, these gems brought
        out  the  fashion  in  my  passion.  When  the  whole  world  judged  me,  these

        diamonds, whom I considered my world, embraced me for being me and let

        all the bad things just slide off.
        They  trusted  my  passion  and  let  it  happen  slowly  without  any  pressure.

        Dance  and  music  enabled  me  to  think  better,  helped  me  use  my

        vulnerability  to  solve  real-life  problems,  and  helped  me  bear  all  the
        hardships that Mother Earth faced in her everyday life.

        Although things didn’t go as planned, the angels that God sent me in my

        life  influenced  me  and  taught  me  that  if  I  love  something  so  much,  the

        universe will find ways to bring me closer to the thing I love the most. The
        "Expressions" of my story might not be extemporary like others, but I know

        they are unique and ethereal, like my mother Earth.

        Only God knows the journey that I will face henceforth, but I’d guess I will

        end this essay with a sweet short poem.

                                                    A LIFELESS WORLD
                                           This world is painted with shades of blue,
                                         Can never be joined with the shimmer of glue,
                                                    It’s hard to say this,

                                                        With no bliss,
                                                  That humanity is sinking,
                                                Like how his socks are stinking;

                                           I guess we don’t have nine lives like a cat,
                                           Or can never sleep upside down like a bat,
                                                      But we’re still at,
                                              Living in this lifeless world of act.

        I hate to make false lame slogans to protect mother Earth but instead love

        performing the act and then declaring it to the public. So to all the beautiful

        souls reading this essay to this very sentence,

        I would request you just one thing. To play your part to reduce the damage
        caused to the only home you are living in, that is MOTHER EARTH.

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