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P. 66

Broken Promises

                                The Tragic Tale of McNamara's Boys in Vietnam

       The Vietnam War was one of the most divisive and
       controversial  conflicts  in  American  history.  The

       war  claimed  the  lives  of  over  58,000  Americans

       and  countless  Vietnamese  civilians,  and  it  left  a
       lasting impact on American society. But what many

       people  do  not  know  is  that  the  US  government

       deliberately  sent  thousands  of  mentally-disabled

       men into combat during the Vietnam War.                                         Shivashish roy
                                                                                          2022-26 ece
       It was a dark chapter in American history that is often overlooked, but the

       truth  is  that  during  the  late  1960s  and  early  1970s,  the  US  military  relied

       heavily  on  mentally-disabled  men  to  fill  its  ranks.  These  men  were  often

       drafted into service without being properly screened or diagnosed, and they
       were sent to fight in a war that they did not fully understand.

       The  story  of  these  men  is  a  tragic  one,  filled  with
       sorrow, suffering, and sacrifice. It is a story of how the

       government  used  the  most  vulnerable  members  of

       society  as  pawns  in  a  deadly  game  of  politics  and

       power. And it is a story that deserves to be told.
       One of the most compelling examples of this tragedy

       is the case of Bobby Garwood. Garwood was a young

       man  from  West  Virginia  who  was  drafted  into  the
       Army  in  1965.  He  had  a  low  IQ  and  was  diagnosed

       with  schizophrenia,  but  he  was  sent  to  Vietnam


       Garwood's experience in Vietnam was harrowing. He
       was captured by the enemy in 1966 and spent the next

       14 years as a prisoner of war. During his captivity, he was subjected to brutal
       torture  and  abuse,  and  he  witnessed  the  deaths  of  many  of  his  fellow


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