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P. 64

Technology and AI's decision-making mechanism will be such that they will
        take global control of the world, claiming the infamous title from its very

        own  creators:  the  humans.  Humans  will  become  slaves  to  their  own

        creation, the machines. Ultimately, humanity will come to an end.

        Human  civilizations  have  been  around  for  a  paltry  12,000  years—barely  a

        few  seconds  on  the  geological  clock.  In  that  short  amount  of  time,  we’ve
        managed to create quite a ruckus, etching our dominance over nature with

        our  villages,  towns,  cities,  megacities,  and  technologies.  It's  time  that  we

        react and respond to the mistakes made in the name of development and

        technology and start making wise and future-proof decisions for the well-
        being  and  survival  of  humanity.  That  doesn’t  mean  that  we  should

        completely  refrain  from  these  emerging  technologies  that  make  our  lives

        easier. We just have to be careful in the usage of these technologies and use

        them only to achieve the desired outcomes for productivity rather than just
        filling  the  pothole,  which  could  lead  to  a  catastrophe.  Humanity  must

        always ensure that technology used in the name of development does not

        degrade our existing position in the world and certainly should never give
        technology a chance to take over control of humanity.

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