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A Note from the Convenor

                                          “Magic is believing in yourself. If you can make that

                                          happen,  you  can  make  anything  happen.”  The

                                          literary  club  of  PTU  aims  to  help  the  student

                                          community,  cultivate  this  belief  in  oneself  and
                                          develop an attitude of resilience and perseverance. It

                                          is always a hard challenge to sustain one’s level of

                                          motivation  and  hence  it  is  important  to  constantly
            Dr. Shanthi Simon             feed this inner power with the fire of ambition and

               professor hss              desire - an eagerness and a passion to follow one’s
       dreams. It is nothing unusual for this spark to die down but the strength to

       push one’s dreams forward is what matters.

       The  free  expression  of  ideas  stimulates  intense  imagination  and  thinking.

       Creative pursuits provide the necessary impetus to keep one’s faculties sharp
       while  inculcating  the  powers  of  reasoning  and  inquisitiveness.  It  is  a

       wonderful experience to delve into the depths of fantasy and reality. This can

       be more exhilarating if, in this process, we keep exploring and analysing the

       unfathomable depths of our own selves and also start appreciating goodness
       in others. Hence it is highly important to have a space to meet, to read, to

       discuss and to write, a platform to share insights on the diverse facets of life

       gained  through  eclectic  experiences.  A  responsible  fraternity  of  creative,
       thoughtful,  compassionate,  individuals  who  can  respond  constructively  to

       inequity and disparity with a deep sense of cooperation, has always been the

       club’s priority.

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