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Message from the Editorial team

        We, the members of the editorial team cannot express the amount of joy
        and we have to release this edition of expressions!

        As freshmen joining this college, we were a group of people enamoured by

        this club and its agenda. We have all had that hesitation to let our truth be

        spoken. It is here where we learnt that to break free from such a notion,
        feels like breaking away from a prison of our own inhibition. And, as we’ve

        come to discover, to find a community who jointly feel the very same, is

        truly a privilege!
        This  year,  we  find  ourselves  in  a  position  of  an  acute  and  unique

        responsibility.  We  find  that  we  can  join  hands  with  such  like  minded

        people in our very own institution, and publish an issue that speaks their

        truth,  and  hence,  in  culmination,  we  find  ourselves  with  a  collection  of
        remarkable thoughts and ideas.

        As  you  flip  through  these  pages,  each  crafted  carefully  with  artistic

        precision, you would comprehend the variety of thoughts in our peers! We

        would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who put their
        ideas forward to be published in this remarkable edition of Expressions!

        Now, I invite you all to witness the truth. The expressions of the league of

        writers and artists who have penned this issue. Enjoy!

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