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Faculty Coordinators say

       It  gives  me  immense  pleasure  to  learn  that  the
       Literary  Club  of  PTU  is  bringing  out  a  magazine

       entitled-Expressions - for the academic year 2022-

       2023.  The  magazine  is  aimed  at  unfolding  the

       hidden  talent  of  students  by  providing  them
       opportunities to pen their thoughts on issues that

       are close to their hearts. I would like to appreciate

       the contributors who have enriched the magazine                                 Mrs. S. Geetha

       by their invaluable contributions.The development                            Asst. Professor, hss

       of  an  individual  not  only  lies  in  the  acquisition  of  degrees  but  also  in
       developing  the  skills  which  are  a  prerequisite  for  the  individual’s  holistic

       grooming.  The  Literary  Club,  as  a  platform,  provides  ample  opportunities

       for  students  to  partake  in  activities  like  Group  Discussions,  debates  and

       extempore  thereby  facilitating  the  students’  acquisition  of  soft  skills  and
       communication skills. It is a fact that the literary club serves as a forum for

       students to come out of their shell and interact with their peers without any

       inhibitions.  It  would  only  be  in  the  fitness  of  things  to  compliment  the
       entire team of the Literary Club for their painstaking and meticulous efforts

       in endeavoring to bring out the magazine. At this juncture, I would exhort

       all students to partake in the various activities being conducted by the Club

       zealously thereby sharpening and polishing their skills. I hope this initiative
       of  unearthing  the  writing  prowess  of  students  continues  in  the  coming

       years.  My best wishes to one and all. I hope that more students contribute

       their mite to the growth of the club in the coming days.

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