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Is mentor in need is AI indeed ?

                                          Today, as students we are living in a most exciting

                                          and  at  the  same  time  most  disruptive  time  of

                                          technological  advancement  pillared  by  just  two
                                          abbreviated  letters  A.I  (Artificial  Intelligence).

                                          What  emerged  as  barely  a  keyword  in  technical

             Sebastian Stephen            documentation and research papers has become a
         Data Architect, Moller most common and indispensable word in everyday

            (Volkswagon group).           life of a common man.

                 eee 2003-07              Unspoken rule of any technological advancement is
       that it unlocks complexities of a real-world problem at the same time it also

       overthrows the need of a human providing service of that unlocking. Rise of

       Digital camera removed human need to develop photocopies, rise of smart

       phone apps such Airbnb removed need of hotel booking operators. This trend
       is nothing new, yet there is a big difference between what has happened in

       last  2  decades  in  tech  world  and  what’s  happening  now  (Rise  of  AI  based

       LLM technology such as ChatGPT). Usually rise of an technical invention or

       an  advancement  will  disrupt  one  or  some  handful  set  of  Industries  being
       impacted directly (Eg : Middlemen service impacted

       with rise of digital Apps) , but with rise of Artificial

       general intelligence , disruption is bound to
        happen in almost every consumer based service

       industry such as retail, education, healthcare, banking

        and many more. For example, with ChatGPT it has

       become possible for a high school student to research
       on a science topic and even publish a book based on it.

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