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      What is ChatGPT ?
      ChatGPT is a form of generative AI. A tool that lets users enter prompts to
      receive humanlike images, text or videos that are created by AI. ChatGPT is
      like an automated chat service found on customer service websites, as people
      can  ask  questions  or  request  clarification  to  ChatGPT's  replies.  The  GPT
      stands  for  "Generative  Pre-trained  Transformer,"  which  refers  to  how
      ChatGPT  uses  specialized  algorithms  to  process  requests  and  formulates
      responses. ChatGPT is only the tip of an iceberg buried under the ocean of
      Artificial  general  intelligence.  Already  GPT-4  version  has  been  launched
      which could accept multimodal prompts in forms of videos and pictures and
      research are underway for GPT-5 which is aspired to have very minimal and

      intangible features from any human intelligence.

      How does AI disruption impact an Engineering student
      H  o w   d o e s   A I   d i s r u p t i o n   i m p a c t   a n   E n g i n e e r i n g   s t u d e n t
      It is certain that technological disruption due to AI would occur and, in many

      industries,  it  has  already  started.  For  an  engineering  student,  impact  would

      largely depend on one’s long-term vision on his/her career and the attitude
      they perceive towards AI. Career roadmap for any discipline they choose is no

      more narrow structured and bound by dependencies on person, location and

      affordability.  For  example  in  building  and  construction  industry  use  of

      AI(Smart Construction) has created new paradigm in areas of planning, risk
      assessment, quality control there by opening new doors of skill development

      for those choosing civil engineering. Great positive aspect having new career

      opportunities  enable  students  to  dream  big,  reshape  their  skills  and  equip

      themselves to  venture new innovations. Yet, the scale of AI being developed
      and launched to market is so fast for the world and its future generations to


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