Page 19 - Expressions - 23
P. 19

How can you change it?
       How can you change it?
      When your dreams are vague its easy to rationalize little expectations all day
      around and never get to the actual things you need to do to actually succeed.

      Define  your  dreams  with  clarity  and  precision,  now  assess  what  skill  you

      would need to make that dream a reality. You see, many of us try to do it the

      other way around, we try to pick up a skill at random and work all our lives to
      achieve a dream related to that skill.

      And most of the times that dream

      would never have been our first
      choice and it’s only part of our life

      because we choose the skill first

      and not the dream. Our actions should
      be driven by our conscious choice and

      drive but not just with the available

      options. Just defining won’t magically manifest your

      dreams, you gotta work for it. When you define your dream you don’t just
      define what you want but you should also define what kind of person you

      would  need  to  become  in  order  to  achieve  it  and  if  that  person  is  actually

      appealing to you! Construct an environment around you that maintains your

      discipline  needed  to  work  on  your  dream.  Never  rely  on  just  motivation,
      because it’s like a tide. You never know if its gonna be high or low until very

      late. Setup a framework for you to do the required things over and over until

      your excellence in it stops becoming an act and starts becoming a habit.

             It’s just one life, try to live it as much as you can! Cheers my friends!
             I t ’ s   j u s t   o n e   l i f e ,   t r y   t o   l i v e   i t   a s   m u c h   a s   y o u   c a n !   C h e e r s   m y   f r i e n d s !

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