Page 21 - Expressions - 23
P. 21

Coming out of the restrictions of the pandemic,

       our team found ourselves and the club  with the

       opportunity  to  start  things  afresh. Those who knew

       the  ways  of  old  were  long  gone,    with degrees and
       a treasure trove of memories of participating and conducting events for their

       juniors. It came down to us to ensure that the rich history of the club was

       renewed and passed on to the next generation of students, to keep the flag of

       the  club  flying  high.    And  to  that  end,  we  feel  content  with  our  efforts  to
       introduce the students of Puducherry Technological Universty to the events

       of the Literary Club, to provide them with a platform to debate and discuss,

       to  ponder  and  explore,  to  make  mistakes  and  learn  from  them  as  they
       proceed with their academic and professional pursuits. All while having the

       time of our lives behind the scenes.

       With  the  members  of  the  Executive  Committee,  we  were  able  to  conduct
       events  and  initiate  discussions,  guiding  and  mentoring  scores  of  students

       who  took  the  first  step  towards  self-realisation  and  learnt  from  them.

       Hindsight  gives  us  differenet  perspectives  to  actions  of  the  past,  and  the

       perspectives now have smoothened out the rough edges and gave a portrait
       of perfection.

       Our time at the Literary Club was filled with adventure and jubilation, and

       with the end of our final year, we realised what all our predecessors had at

       the end of theirs, our journey with the Literary Club never ends!

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