Page 22 - Expressions - 23
P. 22

The power of passion

      If you know me, you would be aware that I am not

      the type of person who is good at writing articles, so

      please bear with me.
      Let me begin with a verse from Kahlil Gibran.

      “If you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better

      that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the
      temple and take alms of those who work with joy.

           For if you bake the bread with indifference, you  bake a bitter                 Rasheed

      bread that feeds but half man’s hunger”.                                            2019-23 cse

                                               These words truly resonated with me. Do what

                                               you love. You don’t have to be great at it. If you
                                               are passionate about it, then the effort you put

                                               in  wouldn’t  feel  tedious.  It  will  be  an  amazing

                                               journey. One such passion for me was the play
                                               staged in our college annually. Till date, the best

                                               part  of  my  college  life  was  the  time  I  spent

                                               rehearsing for it.
                                               On  a  bright  day  in  my  first  year,  my  senior

                                               Karthik  called  me  into  the  language  lab  and

                                               introduced me to his junior Vicky, who played

                                               the lead role in the play staged the year before.
                                               He informed me of an audition for the play “The

                                               Fools  of  Kulyenchikov”  scheduled  for  the

                                               following  day,  since  they  planned  to  include

                                               first  years  for  a  small  role.  Unfortunately  (or
                                               perhaps fortunately), I had a lab, so when I went

                                               in after 4, they had already finished.

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