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P. 20

The Journey That Never Ends !

                                          It requires a special sense of daredevilry to take on

                                          the daunting task of organising events for students.
                                          To  hold  ourselves  to  the  ideals  set  by  our

                                          predecessors and to set an example worthy of being

                                          held as a standard to our successors is no mean feat

                                          and  yet,  that  is,  in  a  nutshell  what  the  group  of
                 Rahul A P                students behind the Literary Club go through in one

           M tech civil 2022 - 24         Academic Year.

      Assignments, Seminars, Tests, Internships, Interviews, Entrance tests, Project

      Reviews and a myriad of other commitments aside, the experience of being at
      the helm of things is a thrill often left unexplained. The reports and records

      will  show  that  events  were  conducted  in  the  specified  time  frame,  but  the

      planning and coordination that goes into executing those events is left to the

      memories of those involved in the team tasked with getting things done. To
      go down memory lane is a gift and a curse, the joy of reliving some of the

      happiest moments of our lives while at the same time, getting the sobering

      realisation that we will never get those moments back.
                                                          The  reasons  cooked  up  on  the  spot  to

                                                          manage  the  conspicuous  absence  in  a
                                                          project  team  meeting,  the  small  flare-

                                                          ups  when  things  don’t  go  according  to

                                                          plan, the rolling with the punches to pull

                                                          things  off  in  the  end  is  an  exhilarating
                                                          path, one not suited for those who prefer

                                                          order and plans, for the best drawn out

                                                          plans are the first thing out the window
                                                          when things are set in motion.

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