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P. 61

Humanity and Future Technologies

                                          Technological advances have brought humanity far
                                          from  being  just  another  living  being  on  planet

                                          Earth.  Be  it  space  exploration,  digital  media,

                                          communication, navigation, metrology, automation,
                                          virtual  reality,  augmented  reality,  etc.  Technology

                                          really is the elixir of development and, certainly, the

                                          key to our future. The future is always fascinating.
          Yajour kichaenamourty           However, emerging technologies and recent trends

                 2020-24 mt               bring a sense of fear and threat for us humans in

                                          the coming generations.
      Let me start with the recent trend of the famous OpenAI-built ChatGPT AI

      bot.  What  is  claimed  to  be  a  game  changer  in  the  field  of  AI  is  slowly

      degrading  the  human  potential  to  think,  make  decisive  choices,  solve
      problems, and gain other insights. Homework and assignments are just one

      click away. This is particularly worrisome when we think about its impact on

      younger generations. The very essence of learning is destroyed. With the
      increasing         world       population          and      concurrently

      increasing unemployment and layoffs, more than 70%

      of  humanity  is  struggling  to  make  a  living.  The
      introduction of AI bots like these has already replaced

      the human labor force in some industries. As of now,

      ChatGPT  is  an  offline  tool  that  uses  local  cloud  data,

      and everything is already preloaded up to 2021. It uses
      the  internet  just  to  load  this  data  from  the  already-

      available cloud server. The work of AI is already mind-

      blowing.  Imagine  it  with  the  latest  knowledge

      connected to the internet. With the development of the
      complete  version,  more  and  more  robots  and  AI  will

      replace humans, leading to a slow but sure disaster.

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