Page 63 - Expressions - 23
P. 63

Social  media  and  the  internet  have  already  caused  enough  physical  and

        mental  health  issues.  In  the  name  of  connecting  people,  we  are  more
        attached  to  our  virtual  world  and  avatar  and  fail  to  make  efficient

        connections  and  communications  in  the  real  world.  Two  people  chatting

        spontaneously  without  breaking  the  conversation  for  even  30  seconds  on
        the internet are unable and shy to even see each other's faces. In the name

        of connecting people virtually, it has actually divided people in reality. This

        leads to a lack of confidence and self-esteem. A more introverted approach

        and unsociable behavior are triggered. The induction of brain chips is not
        very far away in the human technology revolution. This technology can now

        save  more  than  just  binary  0s  and  1s.  We  will  now  be  able  to  save  the

        emotions, feelings, and, more importantly, the memories of a person's life

        through the brain itself. It will now be possible to relive the past with the
        same  feelings  and  emotions  as  that  situation.  While  this  may  seem

        interesting  and  advantageous,  emotion  control  capability  and  emotional

        intelligence  in  human  beings  drop.  "Living  the  moment"  will  be  a  big
        question mark as the world will have already become more competitive and

        challenging,  and  escaping  from  reality  through  these  chips  will  be  the

        never-ending choice for these young minds.
        Computer  chips,  with  the  help  of  artificial  intelligence,  will  literally  take

        over the world. From driving your vehicle to executing your office job, robot

        automation will become inevitable. There will come a stage in the coming

        generations where there will be nothing that can't be done by a robot or an
        AI.  The  requirements  of  man  have  diminished.  Robots,  AI,  and  future

        technology will become so powerful and self-sustaining that eventually even

        the very purpose of humanity's existence in the world will be questioned.

        Technology  through  AI  will  analyze  serious  human  mistakes,  man-made
        disasters,  mass  genocide,  illnesses,  sufferings,  terrorism,  and  threats  of

        national integration, making us well aware of humans and their uselessness

        in the advancing world.

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